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A couple of considerations. If your Ph. Two have innocuous titles though one of these makes fun of Trump , but one is about my life as a graduate student in the voice of Werner Herzog. Should I leave all of these off my CV, or is there a reason to leave them on? This is a judgment call. But if by English you mean English lit, then there is no inherent reason you have to include it, and no requirement that you NOT include it! Or you can leave off. If I did writing for a club newsletter or something while i was still an academic I would not have listed that work on my ac.

So in short, this is a question with no clear answer! Would you recommend just listing my position as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and the years held, and leaving off the list of course titles?

TA experience does pretty close to nothing for you on the market. Where does a book under advance contract go in the order of publications subsections? What exactly should the subsection be called? It seems like a book contract should be worth more than a book review. Any ideas? Others may disagree, and I would accept their logic, but this is what I did and suggest others do.

Great website! I have a question and a comment. Obviously you would keep your own working copy in non-PDF format, but that one would not switch computers and platforms all that frequently. Swimming: Absolutely not! Research Interests: yes. MA Thesis title: yes. Undergrad awards: Yes, for now.

When you have more stuff, remove. I am applying for Ph. I have been a Roman Catholic seminarian, and I also intend to return to the seminary which means I will eventually be ordained a priest and work in ministry, although professorships in seminaries is not entirely out of the picture.

I have occasionally cooperated with another individual in planning and teaching the classes, but for the most part I have been solely responsible for the preparation of and teaching the courses. While it does not particularly apply to my area of study phenomenology , it does help paint a picture of who I am. Should I include any of these things? Thanks for your guidance! I have a lot of teaching experience, because I have taught since my first semester in grad school. However I have also taught several courses multiple times.

Do I only list the first year I taught it, or do I list the last date I taught it? Any recommendations would be appreciated. People do this differently. Karen, I love your blog and you will definitely be hearing from me in the future, as I get closer to the job search! Would it go under Research Experience? Does it get its own subheading? If I was in my field site for a summer, do I include the months and years in the date column on the left, or do I include the duration, e. What should the entry itself say?

It goes under Research Experience. Do list it there. The grants are a separate thing, even if they funded the research. Never include anything but year in the column on left. Put the months not days, and not duration in entry.

Your proposed research wording si fine. Should fieldwork conducted for an undergraduate dissertation and field school experience be included under research experience on an ABD CV? This is actually a good question. The titles would of course give it away that these are similar presentations you are making, even if the content is not exactly the same in both cases my research may have evolved between presentations, say.

Is choosing to selectively present information on your CV unethical? No, actually you continue to mention each and every one. I personally recommend not recycling the identical title each time. But some people do. Any thoughts on discrimination of publications based on your position in the author list? This may be particular to the physical sciences, but it is common in my field to have papers with 50 or more authors.

Readers of your CV will naturally give less weight to your inclusion on those publications than, say, being the first of three authors. When truncating long author lists, some people use a snippet of descriptive text like. Good question, and worth addressing in the post. Thanks for the help reconstructing my CV but how about some consistency? You said bold only for headings. Now you are saying to make your name bold in the authorship?

Should it just be listed with the rest of your book reviews, along with other non-refereed publications, or in its own section? This is called a Book Review Essay. I suspect there are disciplinary and situational variations here. Now, I have seen a handful of senior CVs that list the names of students supervised.

But my feeling is that it just seems mildly inappropriate and off-point. Or any other opinions about this question. Is there a way to show that you have supervised undergraduate or graduate students without listing the specific students? None of my positions held post-doc, instructor, adjunct would suggest supervisory responsibilities without a separate listing. Thanks too for the post on the difference between US and UK approaches — very helpful for someone schooled in the colonies, now attempting to make some headway in both job markets.

I have a bit of an odd question, perhaps. I received a large amount of media attention of my work a few years ago, and am about to be on the job market. Certainly, the national and recognizable ones, but what about the local, regional, and somewhat obscure international ones?

Another says I should only list the major interviews so as to avoid looking pretentious and possibly distracting from other sections of the resume. What would you suggest? I agree with the latter advice. My name is non-western, long and apparently very difficult for people to pronounce or remember.

After an exhaustive application process I had only one interview and the interviewers stumbled over my name more than once. Harry, I had a friend with the same problem. He started putting his nickname in quotes very short and easy to pronounce in English between his long, hard-to-pronounce name. He started getting calls back right away.

Is that still true for an undergrad applying for grad school? Are there any other changes I should make? Kerry, congrats on your excellent efforts to do grad school right. The rules are a bit looser for undergraduates, for sure. You can very briefly describe the substance of the research that you did as an undergrad. But in truth, there is little purpose served in verbiage that looks like padding.

Just list your accomplishments and stand by them. Oh and one other question: which publications do I include? I have a couple first author and several 2nd 3rd … etc. Although I built all the experimental apparatus for all the research referenced in these papers, I was not directly involved in the experimental results…. Karen, I have a question about maternity leave.

I have been ABD for a few years but took time off to work full-time. The job was in my academic field and I have multiple publications from it. I have now re-entered and have a paper accepted for a conference. What do you think of that?

As a personal-political-social thing, I think it should be ok to acknowledge that there are times when women are on leave to have and care for babies. But in academia, one is more likely to feel guilty than justified for those months. Age-related question: When I first went back to school i. This advice, right or wrong, has stuck with me and embedded a bit of paranoia.

You mention here that, on my CV, I need to include the years of my degrees. I am extremely hesitant to list a date that out-of-date right at the top of the first page. Is it ever acceptable to leave those three dates off the document, leaving only teaching and publications, and conferences etc.

The comment stream has a lot of different thoughts on this very question. Hi Karen, can you clarify how we list reviewing articles for peer-reviewed journals on the CV? Thank you. Congrats on having the best and most concise academic CV resource on the web! This website is amazing, and this post in particular and all the reader comments probably saved me from writing a CV that would doom my chances of getting an interview.

I would be very grateful if you took the time to answer my questions below. Many other TAs in this class did not have such responsibilities. Can I, and should I, indicate this on my CV somehow? Any other comments appreciated as well! It goes under Ed and under any Prof. TA work is fundamentally not respected or considered hire-worthy, and advertising yours makes you look more like an amateur than a professional.

Should I list my fieldwork, and the language skills needed to complete it, in a separate entry? Or are these things implied in the title of my finished PhD, which references the particular country in which I did the work? Thanks so much for your helpful and candid advice! Does it make you more memorable or is it amateurish? My adviser, a giant in his field, and a very professional man, has more than twice now asked me to include a picture of myself on my CV [because he says I am a good looking woman.

I am wondering if his advice is simply old-fashioned. His letter of recommendation for me is highly supportive, and free of feminine adjectives and descriptions.

What should I do? I have just finished my MA in Drama and have been asked by a university to start throwing my hat in the ring for teaching positions as a sessional. As I begin to restructure my existing CV I have a few questions that have not come up in the above comments. Would you say that they should go under another heading? While I do teach for grades second through undergrad, I also am the curriculum developer for at least 4 of the programs I implement.

It is so helpful. The comments and questions that have come up are just as useful also. But Workshops Facilitated will get the job done—you can keep it. A line of explanation would be permissible here, but no more. It is hard but not completely impossible. What about academic professional positions for someone transitioning into a new field?

I held years of significant research and management related AP positions before going back to school. Research Experience? I have a fair amount of faith that my advisor will make this clear in a letter of rec, I have the great luck of having a fantastic advisor.

Can I leave the dollar amount absent for this listing but include it for other, smaller grants? Smaller grants would include dissertation fieldwork grants that are expressly in my name.

I graduated with my PhD in May and am currently employed full time as an editor at a well-known academic journal. Thanks for any advice! Dear Karen Thank you for your site, I just discovered it yesterday, and just in time. I am applying for postdoc fellowships and your blog saved me from embarrassing mistakes in my CV.

I hope you still read this post, so I will ask my question. Its a lot of work.. My question is whether I should add it to my CV? Where and how to explain this job…? Thank you! One more. Is it appropriate to underline or bold a big fellowship that might get lost in the list? I have seen differing opinions. Thank you for this advice.

Teaching-oriented jobs in media studies usually involve teaching some sort of production classes. This post has been a tremendous help and I have been spending lots of time revamping my CV. The first commenters seem to think it is padding, while you Karen seem to suggest it is okay to include.

Thank you for this very helpful post. Maybe I have the wrong impression because most of if not all the CVs I have seen including those I have obtained from colleagues and professors in my field list dates on the right or within the entries themselves. What are your thoughts on this? I have a number fo clients who do as you say, with dates in the entries themselves. I prefer to see this for conferences, and have the pubs with the years to left, but certainly if people in yoru field do it that way, you should emulate.

What about for fellowship lists? Would it be ok to follow suit? Thank you so much for your posts. They are so helpful. I have seen both orders in academic cvs. Thank you for your help! Developing the judgment about what makes a good one may take some time. Thanks, Karen, for a great post. As I currently have it structured, my headings are in the following order: Education, Certifications, Professional Appointments, P Teaching Experience, Publications.

Also, I took a one-year educational sabbatical while teaching high school; is it necessary to list this when reporting my teaching years?

That is, do I say , say with a parenthetic note sabbatical , or list the dates as and ? During the time of my sabbatical, I was on an official leave, not dismissed and rehired.

Where do I list an invitation ro be an external reviewer for tenure for a faculty member for another university? Thank you so much for all of the useful information! This is extremely helpful. Does it depend on the fellowship?

Or is it just sad? Just above service. I think this varies by subfield. Maybe not so for less competitive funding sources, and most likely not so impressive and should be dropped by the time you are applying for jobs. Needed your expert opinion! I was asked for my feedback but everyone in the dept was. The lectures were given by members of my department. Are any of these worth mentioning? I do cite the book review in publications. Thanks very much for this blog.

I have a question about how to handle listing transfers from one academic institution to another. Part of me would prefer to leave these off since I only spent one year at each of these places. I have one quick question. Candidate on the job market for the first time. Is there any way that it would be acceptable for me to include a short description or at least a short list of authors?

I have won some awards more than once i. Should I list each year as a individual line or should I lump them to avoid repetition? If one has spent a couple of years at a program and then transferred to another institution do you recommend that they include this in the main Education part?

Omit it? Or put in another section? Same for a semester spent at another school? I know this is ok for publications, but what if one knows they are going to teach as an adjunct at a new university in the coming spring semester, do you recommend they incorporate this into their cv before then? You can put upcoming employment as long as the dates are clearly listed and you have already signed a FINAL written contract no verbal offers.

I came across your site while searching for guidelines to a CV I must produce for a grant application. I was thrilled to discover this page, however I am not as far along in my academic career as the folks for whom this page is intended. How could I tweak your guidelines for my purposes, considering that publications, professional appointments, conference activity, etc.

I would love to hear your thoughts! Great post, thank you. Do you have an example somewhere to give a visual impression of what it should look like? That would serve no one. I also have over ten years experience as a teacher and assistant principal in public schools.

Does this employment fall under teaching experience, or other employment? As it stands, I have my teaching experiences listed with two subheadings: K, and University level. If applying to a school of Ed, it makes significant difference it seems that I actually have a decade of practical experience, rather than strictly theoretical understandings. Also … I have teaching credentials in two states, and an administrative credential.

Do these go under Education? Out of curiosity, would assisting with academic advisement be something I could include on my CV? Given that my Ph. One or two entries?

Dear Dr. Karen, Thank you for posting this. Many sections you listed are still empty for me though! I freelance for the newspaper and have published quite a bit there. Do those have a place in an academic CV at all? Thank you, Daphne. If the time frame is completely distinct then this is no problem.

I recently graduated with my Bachelors degree in biology last spring and like Daphne my CV would be a little sparse. I have had a few internship and presented my senior research project at a couple conferences but have never been published.

I am thinking of contacting potential graduate school advisers soon and was wondering if it is acceptable to send a resume, which lends itself better to elaborating on the experiences I have, or if it would be beneficial to convert my resume to a CV.

You must appear to be a scholar first, writer of other thigns a distant second, third, or fourth. These are fantastic guidelines. I left it off. Any alternative suggestions? I also took off summer travel grants, as one commenter suggested above. It seemed to give the remaining entries more weight. Thanks again! And the visiting scholar appointment is actually quite significant as well, although it might go under Research Experience, as opposed to appointments.

Thanks for posting this! Helped me a lot when drafting my CV. I have a question about spacing. Advice appreciated. Karen, Thank you for all of this advice. Why do you disapprove of putting a diss abstract on the CV? I think that grad student candidates in general are too fixated on their dissertations and the diss abs. Particularly if you have a healthy list of publications on the cv, the abs. But, I know that in some fields it might be expected.

My question is: do I put these things in the CV or just mention them in the cover letter? If you were a TA or RA for a very prominent person in your field, should you list their name in the CV entry for that class or position? Or, is this a big no-no? But if nobody is really famous, then leave them off for all. Karen, can you advise about whether dates should be listed from earliest to latest, or latest to earliest? I have my CV formatted according to my local rules excerpt below.

I know it violates some of your rules. How should the dates be listed in each of these instances to keep the document consistent? In normal CV vertical listing, always newest down to oldest. Yes, the general structure of my CV is newest to oldest for each section, but these recurring dates of service make it problematic. I thought it made sense to group a recurring event with all its relevant dates rather than list each separately with its individual date.

Thanks very much! I earned a doctorate in education a few years ago and wanted to transition to a college position. I have been stuck on the CV construction when it comes to publications because I have no publications after I earned my degree.

My first question is, is it a waste of time to apply to any college level position with no record of paper publication, or is there a way to demonstrate research potential in another area? Secondly, should my focus be on publishing first for a few years before pursuing any type of college level position? Lastly, how does one start? These are questions I have asked former advisors but I have yet to feel like I have a clear direction.

I would appreciate your expertise and your honesty. Your competitors will have some. Your teaching exp. Thank you for the excellent website. Excellent blog! I am preparing my CV. I have extensive industrial experience , but research experience is limited to only that period of being a graduate student. Can I list my industrial experience under professional experience?

Thank you Karen! I have a question and I wonder if you could clarify the issue for me? Would you recommend just listing the working title of manuscripts? And is there an optimal number of such manuscripts i.

Dear Karen, Thank you for your advice — as someone from outside US attempting to apply for a US-based fellowship, it has been very helpful. One question: most of my publications, thesis titles, papers presented, guest lectures, etc. Would you recommend including the names in the original Portuguese and an English translation?

Or just the translation? Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Hi Karen, Great post! I wish I found your website 10 years ago… I did two visiting scholar posts in top universities in the country where I research. Where do you suggest I include it in my CV? Any advice for how to seamlessly include a change of name into the CV? In this case some articles are published under a different name than is given at the top of the CV.

My lead-in to the interview is quoted directly. The collection has been published by a major university press. Your thoughts, please? Those need to be divided into two. Thanks for the reply, Karen! Hi Karen, Many thanks for this website. Though it makes their CV pretty long. In my case, I have two conference publications and they have been cited in nice journal articles.

Do you think its wise to mention that in my CV? I am a graduate student so I feel it would make my CV look attractive and the PhD admission committee would really think that my research works have been noteworthy so far. Please guide me. Hi Karen, Love your website and blog. Both told me that I needed to put my publications on the first page of the CV. Also, should a distinction be made between one-off or annual short events and longer-term series i.

Thanks, for both this post and the blog! I am trying to figure out how to include my business on my academic CV…I have an academic appointment, but I also run a business. They are related. Where do I include my business on my cv? I am struggling with my cv. There is one job posting in my field where I want to live and I really want it!

I appreciate your help. I have a couple of questions. Thank you, Jane. Thanks for such a wonderful resource. A recent high-level Dean search at our school yielded finalists who all included detailed bulleted lists in their CVs indicating accomplishments in the area of fundraising, recruitment of diverse faculty, and so on. Are CVs geared toward administrative positions one area in which the embargo on resume-style bulleted lists might be lifted?

Yes i suppose so. Karen, Your blog has guided me better than any other website I have found. My classroom duties and methodologies are conducive that for of an elementary teacher.

So how do I write it so that I demonstrate my knowledge and ability to prepare young adult learners for the field of education? Any time a person has an unusual record, we have to do various tweaks to the basic format to accomodate.

I am in the midst of writing my CV to begin a career search I am in the sciences so the majority of my employers ask for CVs. I am currently in the midst of my first year as a PhD, however I will be leaving the program in June.

However, I am continuing with the research until I leave and until my advisor finds another student to take my place. I already have a MS degree but I feel that a full year of research abroad should not be overlooked. I was awarded a fellowship for the project as well. Should and if so, where and how should military service be included in the C.

While I have been working as an adjunct during the past few years, I have also been running a for-profit university library full-time for the past 5 years, and prior to that, I was a part-time Library Research Assistant at a small liberal arts university for 3 years. Where would I list this information? Would I include my duties bibliographic instruction, serving as a one woman writing center or just make mention of them in my cover letter?

Thanks for the post. Quick question regarding abstracts and papers. What is the acceptable or expected practice when listing a presented abstract that is based on a subsequently published paper that has the exact same title, for example?

Are both listed? Next year, I will be on leave from my tenure-track job, with an external fellowship in another state. Since I graduate with a PhD I have published widely in my field to improve my CV and help me with job, but as I do not have teaching experience I find it very difficult to break into teaching!!!

After 2 jobs interviews, they stated that they have chosen, someone with teaching experience…. SO I do not know who come first egg or the chicken. Is there real difference between CV and Resume? Some of my publications are not in English, should I give original titles or only English translations?

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